Minimex offers its maize flour to institutions and consumers, its grits to restaurants and the brewing industry and its rest product, the bran, to farmers and traders. Each of our client groups has its own needs which Minimex is committed to meet.
- School Administrator / District responsible for school feeding
You are an Administrator at a school or University, or Member of the Student Body, or Procurement Officer responsible for selecting the right product to ensure proper feeding of the children and students. You wish to buy a product that is:
- Safe and healthy
- Meets Rwanda Mandatory Standards
- Is affordable
- Sifted Maize Meal, RS EAS 44, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB
- Fortified Maize Meal, RS EAS 768, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB; this product contains recommended supplements of micronutrients (vitamins).
- Other Institutional Buyer, including relief organization (NGO or Governmental organization)
You are a policy maker, procurement agent or administrator at am NGO or Governmental organization responsible for purchasing of food for your target market. You wish to buy a product that is:
- Safe and healthy
- Meets Rwanda Mandatory Standards
- Is affordable
- Produced by a reputable, well established company
- Delivered on time
- Sifted Maize Meal, RS EAS 44, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB
- Fortified Maize Meal, RS EAS 768, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB; this product contains recommended supplements of micronutrients (vitamins).
- Consumer
You are responsible for a household, possibly with young children, or an individual consumer. You have limited budget but wish to buy a safe and healthy product. You may be interested in food that has supplementary vitamins and minerals to enrich your diet and that of your family. You wish to offer tasty and healthy meals, and bring some variation in your menu.
Minimex offers you the choice:
- Sifted Maize Meal, RS EAS 44, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB
- Fortified Maize Meal, RS EAS 768, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB; this product contains recommended supplements of micronutrients (vitamins).
- Restaurant
You are running a restaurant and wish to provide your guests with high quality food. You are committed to use good ingredients in your kitchen, and wish to serve tasty and healthy meals.
You can turn to Minimex for these products:- Flour
- Sifted Maize Meal, RS EAS 44, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB
- Fortified Maize Meal, RS EAS 768, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB; this product contains recommended supplements of micronutrients (vitamins).
- Maize grits
Maize grits is a coarser form of maize flour. It is similar to polenta, made from white maize. Besides for your polenta you can use maize grits to make the glaze for your famous glazed pork or other roast.
- Flour
- Wholesaler / Retailer
You own or run a wholesale or retail shop. You wish to provide your customers with a quality product that is in line with the mandatory Rwandan standards. You wish your customers to appreciate the quality and ask for Minimex branded products. As entrepreneur, you wish to have a healthy and profitable business.
Minimex offers:- Sifted Maize Meal, RS EAS 44, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB
- Fortified Maize Meal, RS EAS 768, certified by Rwanda Standards Board RSB; this product contains recommended supplements of micronutrients (vitamins).
- Farmer (cattle, poultry, fish) interested in maize bran
You have cattle, poultry or pigs that need to be fed with nutritious feed, as you know the impact of quality feed on the productivity of your animals.
As a large portion of the animal feed consists of maize bran this ingredient must be of the highest quality. It must contain sufficient carbohydrates, fibers, protein and fat as well as a certain amount of vitamins and minerals. Minimex offers maize bran that is known to be rich in fibers and protein. It contains around 13% protein, 6% fibres and 6% fat. The remainder is mainly starch (carbohydrates). Our clients tell us that the product leads to high productivity of their cattle and poultry. - Investor
You are a private investor or you represent an Investment Fund, a fund that offers grants or a financial institution. You wish to learn about investment opportunities in Minimex or in the majority shareholder of Minimex, named Prodev Group Holding Ltd.
Minimex Ltd has gained a leading role in the maize value chain in Rwanda and has shown impressive growth in the past few years. It has recently started diversifying its product range, is the largest local supplier of maize meal and has developed its export markets. Contracts with respected institutions and industries form the core of the revenues. Minimex is a company to watch.
If you are interested, contact the General Manager of Minimex Ltd via gm@minimex.co.rw or via phone: +250 783 755 058.